
ABNF: Augmented Backus-Naur Formalism

ACA: Additional Central Assistance

ACE:ASCII compatible encoding

ADFE: Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization

AI: Air Interface

AICTE: All India Council for Technical Education

APCERT: Asia Pacific CERT

APCICT: Asia Pacific Centre for ICT

API: Application Programming Interface

APNIC: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre

APWG: Anti-Phishing Working Group

ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASN: Autonomous System Number

ASTeC: Automation Systems Technology Centre

AS &FA: Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser

ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition

ATCS: Area Tariff Control System


BAC: Bacterial Artificial Chromosome

BDB: Biometric Data Block

BESU: Bengal Engineering and Science University

BGP Border Gateway Protocol

BIAB: Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology

BIPK: Basic Information Processing Kit

BHQ: Block Head Quarter

BPEL4WS: Business Process Execution Language for Web Services

BPO: Business Process Outsourcing

BPL: Broadband on power lines

BRAF: Bio-informatics Resource and Application facility

BTP: Biotechnology Park


CARE: Centre for Advanced Computing Research and Education

CAT: Cyber Appellate Tribunal

CATR: Compact Antenna Test Range

CBEFF: Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework

CCA: Controller of Certifying Authorities

C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

CFR: Centre for Reliability

CC&BT: Convergence Communications & Broadband Technologies

CCP: Commonwealth Connects Programme

CCSM: Coupled Climate System Model

CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

CEERI : Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute

CEG: Centre for e-Governance

CBDT: Central Board of Direct Taxes

CEWiT: Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology

CGCRI: Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute

C-GRex: Chaos Game Representation explorer

CIMFR: Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research

CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States

C-MET: Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology

CMRI: Central Mining Research Institute

CMS: Content Management System

CPeMT: Central Project e-Mission Team

CPMT: Central Project Monitoring Team

CPS: Certification Practice Statement

CRL: Certificate Revocation List

CSC: Common Services Center

CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization

CSP: Content Service provider

CSR: Certificate Signing Request

CTT: Central Technical Team

CUG: Closed User Group

CIC: Community Information Centres

CVO: Chief Vigilance Officer


DANTE: Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Limited

DANN: Distributed Artificial Neural Network

DCO: Data Centre Operator

DEA: Department of Economic Affairs

DEPB: Duty Entitlement Pass Book

DIP: Database of interacting proteins

DOEACC: Department of Electronics Accredited Computer Course

DoS: Denial-of-service

DGF: Development Gateway Foundation

DHQ: District Head Quarter

DIT: Department of Information Technology

DNS: Domain Name System

DPR: Detailed Project Report

DSC: Digital Signature Certificate

DRP: Dispute Resolution Policy

DTA: Domestic Traffic Area


EA: Enterprise Architecture

e-AGRIEN : Electronics for Agriculture & Environment

EBR's: Extra-Budgetary Resources

EC: Empowered Committee

EDA: Electronic Design Automation

EHTP: Electronics Hardware Technology Park

EMD : Earnest Money Deposit

EMS: Enterprise Management System

EOU: Export Oriented Unit

EPGC: Export Promotion Capital Goods

EPID : Electronic Portal Imaging Device

ERDA: Electrical Research and Development Association

eSAFE: e-Governance Security Assurance Framework

ESC: Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council

ERNET: Education & Research in Computer Networking

ERTL: Electronics Regional Test Laboratory

ETDC: Electronics Test and Development Centre

EU : European Union


FBG : Fiber-Bragg-Grating Sensors

FCS: Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometers

FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board

FIRST: Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams

F/OSS: Free/Open Source Software

FMS: Facility Management Service

FRS: Functional Requirement Specification


G2B: Government-to-Business

G2C: Government-to-Citizen

G2E: Government-to-Employees

GAC: Governmental Advisory Committee

GAID: Global Alliance for ICT and Development

GCC: General Conditions of Contract

GIGW : Guidelines for Indian Government Websites

GNU : GNU Compiler Collection

GIA : Grant-in-Aid

GIST: Graphics and Intelligence based Script Technology

GNCTD: Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

GSP: Generalized System of Preferences


HLD: High Level Design

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol


IA: Implementing Agency

IANA: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

IASST: Institute of Advanced study in Science & Technology

ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICERT: Indian Computer Emergency Response Team

ICR: Intelligent Character Recognition

ICT: Information and Communication Technologies

ICTACT: ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu

IDN: Internationalized Domain Names

IEC: Information, Education and Communication

IEP: Instruction Enhancement Programme

IFA: Information For All

IGF: Internet Governance Forum

IIIT: International Institute of Information Technology

IISc: Indian Institute of Science

ILTP: Integrated Long Term Programme

IMSC : Inter Ministerial Standing Committee

INDRP: .IN Dispute Resolution Policy

INUP: Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme

IP: Internet Protocol

IPR: Intellectual Property Rights


ISMS : Information Security Management System

IST: Information Society Technologies

ISTDC/WGs: Information Security Technology Development Council/Working Groups

ITIL: Information Technology Infrastructure Library

ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems

ITSM: Information Technology Services Management

ISCII: Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange

ITIR: Information Technology Investment Regions


JWG: Joint Working Group


KDC: Knowledge Data Centre

KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing


LAN: Local Area Network

LDAB: Layout Design Appellate Board

LIR: Local Internet Registry

LINAC: Linear Accelerator

LNT: Liquid Nitrogen Temperature

LTCC: Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic


MAI: Market Access Initiative

MB-OFDM: Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

MCA: Ministry of Corporate Affairs

MCCDMA: Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access

MDA: Market Development Assistant

MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

MGO: Magnesium Oxide coatings

MGS: Multiplier Grant Scheme

MLC: Multileaf Collimator

MMP: Mission Mode Project

MOSFET: Metal- Oxide- Semiconductor- Field -Effect-Transistor

MoU: Memorandum of Understanding

MSP: Managed Service Provider


NaMPET: National Mission of Power Electronics Technology

NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Service Companies

NBRI: National Botanical Research Institute

NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information

NCMRWF : National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Centre

NE: North East

NeGA: National e-Governance Agency

NeGP: National e-Governance Plan

NFE: Net Foreign Exchange

NISG: National Institute for Smart Government

NIR: National Internet Registry

NIC : National Informatics Centre

NICSI : National Informatics Centre Services Incorporation

NIIST: National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology

NIT: National Institute of Technology

NIXI: National Internet Exchange of India

NKN: National Knowledge Network

NMCC: National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council

NPR: National Population Register

NRCFOSS: National Resource Centre for Free & Open Source Software

NSD: National Services Directory


OTC: Open Technology Centre

OCB: Overseas Corporate Bodies

OCR: Optical Character Recognition

OLED: Organic Light Emitting Diode

O&M: Operation and Maintenance

ORF: Open Reading Frame

ORG & CCI: Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India


PAC: Process Advisory Committee

PDP : Plasma Display Panels

PIs: Participating Institutions

PKS: Polyketide Synthase

PMG: Project Management Group ()

PMSD: Project Management Service Division

PNG: Portable Network Graphics

PoC: Proof of Concept

PoP: Point of Presence

PRSG: Project Review and Steering Group

PSC: Programme Steering Committee

PSE: Public Sector Enterprise


QAF: Quality Assurance Framework

QoS: Quality of Service


RASIP : Reconfigurable Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor

RCAI: The Root Certifying Authority of India

RCs: Resource Centers

RFD: Result Framework Document

RFID : Radio Frequency Identification

RFP: Request for Proposals

RFQ : Request For Qualification

RIELIT: Regional Institute of e-Learning and Information Technology

RIR: Regional Internet Registry

RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances

ROTs: Receive Only Terminals

RPR: Resilient Packet Ring Technologies


SaaS: Software As A Service

SAMEER: Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engg. and Research

SAP: Service Access Providers

SASEC : South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation

SCA: Service Centre Agency

SCADM: Single Channel Add-Drop Multiplexer

SDA: State Designated Agency

SDR: Software-Defined Radios

SeMT: State e-Governance Mission Team

SEZ: Special Economic Zone

SLA: Service Level Agreement

SIA : State Implementing Agency

SIPS: Special Incentives Package Scheme

SITs: Satellite Interactive Terminals

SOA: Service Oriented Architecture

SMDP : Special Manpower Development Programme

SPF: State Portal Framework

SRS: Software Requirement Specifications

SSDG: State Services Delivery Gateway

SSL: Secure Socket Layer

STQC Dte.: Standardisation, Testing and Quality Certification Directorate

STT: State Technical Team

SDC: State Data Centre

SHQ: State Headquarter

SIA: State Implementing Agency

SIP-EIT: Support International Patent Protection in Electronics & IT

STPI: Software Technology Park of India

SVM: Support Vector Machine

SWAN: State Wide Area Network


TCG: Trusted Computing Group

TKDL: Traditional Knowledge Digital Library

TPA: Third Party Audit

TCAD: Technology Computer-Aided Design

TIED: Technology Incubation and Development

TIFR: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

TMR: Tunnel Magnetoresistance

TSP: Technical Service Provider

TTS: Text to Speech


UIDAI: Unique Identification Authority of India

UGC: University Grants Commission

UNESCAP: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

URL: Uniform Resource Locator

UWB: Ultra Wide Band


VLE: Village Level Entrepreneur

VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration

VNIT: Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology

VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds

VR-MISS: Virtual Reality based Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulator


W3C: World Wide Web Consortium

WAN: Wide Area Network

WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization

WSIS: World Summit on Information Society


ZF: Zinc Finger